We have all heard this over and over again, but too often we forget or don’t actually listen. Look…you have one today…one life…you must respect yourself and your gift of life and your truth by acting confidently and owning your space in this world. being afraid to go to a social event, afraid to try something new…or afraid to say your piece or do something you love…maybe you are afraid to grab an opportunity and make it happen…maybe its a fear to take the first step to create your dream…Isn’t that life story a sad one? You know you would feel the same if you read a life story like that… this person does nothing or so little, when they could have tried everything, and truly LIVED.
Here is one simple example…you are home and all of the sudden the smoke alarms to off and your house is on fire…what happens if you are afraid, and hesitate to react?? What happens if you focus, and handle the situation confidently, and when you and your family are outside safe you then break down?
Another example… you have a huge test coming up that determines your future…if you fear it and stress about it, how does that effect your studying or will to study? If you are confident, and choose to stress ‘later’, you will clearly be more focused and more likely create what you want…
This is not some difficult scientific concept, so don’t make it one…even the cliche ‘fake it to make it’, is not about lying to make it…it’s about faking yourself out so you ‘pretend’ to be this confident person when you aren’t…so you get through it well, and so you have less chance of failure…
I walk the talk…I teach my daughter that she should be afraid and anxious ’Later’…she needs to do what she wants or needs to do, with confidence, and hold back the fears and anxiety until after it is handled. Then, I give her permission to be as stressed out and afraid as she wants…If she has to give a class presentation, or face another student being mean...or take a test…worry and fear later…
